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CCSG-05 - chlorine gas CI2

CCSG-05 - chlorine gas CI2

Chlorine is a chemical element with symbol Cl and atomic number 17. Chlorine is in the halogen group and is the second lightest halogen after fluorine. The element is a ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
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argon gas Ar - CCSG-03

argon gas Ar - CCSG-03

Argon is a chemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table. Argon is the third most common gas in the Earths atmosphere, at ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for argon gas Ar - CCSG-03 -
Carbon dioxide gas CO2 - CCSG-07

Carbon dioxide gas CO2 - CCSG-07

Carbon dioxide is a food additive used as a propellant and acidity regulator in the food industry. Carbon dioxide can be injected into the drink by increasing pressure to have ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for Carbon dioxide gas CO2 - CCSG-07 -
Krypton gas - CCSG-23

Krypton gas - CCSG-23

Kryptons multiple emission lines make ionized krypton gas discharges appear whitish, which in turn makes krypton-based bulbs useful in photography as a brilliant white light ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for Krypton gas - CCSG-23 -
argon gas Ar - ccsg-03

argon gas Ar - ccsg-03

Argon is a chemical element with symbol Ar and atomic number 18. It is in group 18 (noble gases) of the periodic table. Argon is the third most common gas in the Earths atmosphere, at ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for argon gas Ar - ccsg-03 -
Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - CCSG-17

Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - CCSG-17

Sulfur hexafluoride SF6 is used in the electrical industry as a gaseous dielectric medium for high-voltage circuit breakers, switchgear, and other electrical equipment, ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for Sulfur hexafluoride (SF6) - CCSG-17 -
Propylene gas C3H6 - CCSG-15

Propylene gas C3H6 - CCSG-15

Propene, also known as propylene or methylethylene, is an unsaturated organic compound having the chemical formula C3H6. It has one double bond, and is the second simplest ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for Propylene gas C3H6 - CCSG-15 -
carbon monoxide gas CO - CCSG-02

carbon monoxide gas CO - CCSG-02

Carbon monoxide is used in modified atmosphere packaging systems in the US, mainly with fresh meat products such as beef, pork, and fish to keep them looking fresh. The carbon ...

Central China Special Gas Co.,Ltd   Promote Demote
Main Products: special gas, industrial gas... More
Inquire for carbon monoxide gas CO - CCSG-02 -
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