Relief Super Lux

Product ID: P06

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Masonry relief coating with acrylic resins as a base. Suitable for exterior and interior use. Protection and decoration for masonry surfaces (concrete, bricks, plaster, asbestos etc.)
  • 1-1.5m^2/kg depending on how sharp we want the surface to be.
  • White and other shades upon order.
  • 15kg, 5kg, and 1kg in metallic cans.
  • Application with a special roller permitting the relief result. Thinned with water to 5-15% (depending on the surface). On new surface it is better to have an undercoat with acrylic primer DESMO SEAL or with the same RELIEF thinned to 50% with water.
  • High adhesion even on alkaline surfaces, lasting resistance in weathering. Sealing, heat insulating and soundproof protection of the surfaces.
  • Superior whiteness and stability in colors.
  • Decoration improvement and covering of possible small defects of the surfaces.

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chemical compounds ( coating, paints )